Member-only story
Bands Gone Too Soon, Leaving Their Music and Fans Behind
A musical prompt asking for your wish upon a rock star to have stayed with us a while longer
When I decided to throw myself into Writing, I had my subject matter worked out with fiction, first and foremost being the goal.
I planned to write small stories while studying, improving my writing skills, and establishing a style. Then, after I felt better prepared, I would return to my WIP I affectionately and forebodingly call “the Novel.”
Progress has been slow on that project but with everyone in the NaNoWriMo frenzy, I decided to use that as motivation to do a rewrite from word one of the 45K word manuscript. It’s going well, but not as well as I would like — good and challenging things are getting in the way.
Of the topics I have written about here on Medium, family, marriage, parenting, self-reflection, food, and books, have all been enjoyable, but music turned out to be the most surprising.
I am no different than anyone else; music is woven into my memories and experiences. My writing about music began with the summoning of challenges and prompts from fellow writers, and I’ve enjoyed each one.