For 2024 years and then some they have been hunted and chased like rats. Now, they have said, "No."
If you want to be stringently philosophical, fine. There is no just cause for war. There is just war. Lasting peace comes at a cost.
The onus is equally upon the Palestine government to relent and submit and end the killing of their people.
You see the tactics as somehow only belonging to Israeli methodology as a horrific application. It is horrific, there is no doubt. But it also one of many, simultaneous tactics to end the war as soon as possible.
It is no different than sieges set upon castles. You employ every arsenal to achieve submission.
It's only more comfortable for you to have it end, and then you can look away from another 100 years of terror attacks across borders but under a stamped title of "peace."
The United States should mind it's own backyard. Besides, Biden seems intent on gearing up for a Russia confrontation.
The UN can do its job. International agencies can do their work. The United States is not the authority.