Hmmm. Interesting.
About his age. I don't know. If he shows mental acuity in all or most other facets, then his age is a benefit. A life, a long life of observation and reflection.
My M-I-L is 90, still 95% sharp. I would listen to and value her opinions and wisdom over someone my age (51) every day of the week.
He delegates, and has ample staff. He doesn't have to worry about nuclear codes.
Then there's another viewpoint; What if he's exactly correct? Perhaps as the lifelight dims, his clarity improves.
Consider the documented history and traditional knowledge from cultures world wide in the time of Jesus. Countless correlating origin stories, flood stories, salvation stories. Perhaps all those religions are in fact the same path.
Maybe Jesus came to that civilization because his message in his form would be best understood. Not so for other cultures.
Each may have been a splinter from one tree, or reflection of what would be most effectively received, followed and believed.
And, we should allow that he gives us the benefit of knowing "all religions" discounts the invented ones, like Satanism, Mormons or Scientology.
That's my "pipe on the porch in a rocking chair" offering.