Holy shit...you've had a whole bowl full of Liberal glazed crazy-o's.
Trump, while absolutely a loose cannon, isn't crazy, not in this case anyway. And the fault here lies with Canada and the ineptitude of our Liberal government's ability to facilitate self-sustainability. Inconceivably, we have voted for fuck weasels to run our country into US dependency. It's 2025 and we cannot supply our own citizens with natural gas and oil in a coast to coast pipeline system. Why? Because Trudeau, as recorded on CBC declared that Canada belongs to Quebec and Eastward, stopping with any seriousness at the Ontario border. That, combined with our self-inflicted stupefication, creates an ideal scenario for Trump to exert pressure. Canada has never been as divided as since Trudeau, the young, incompetent one, came to power. Quebec has never considered itself Canadian first. As long Liberals remain in control and continually allow Quebec to assert provincial rights over national interest..we will remain divided, dependant and fucked.
But you are correct in one aspect, Trump's tarrif slap in not about drugs or illegal border crossings. It's about smacking the spineless, Trump shit-talking, mocking Trudeau across the mouth. Shocking news to Libs, but Trudeau is the bully here, and he's getting payback for 4 years of condescion at Trump.
If there is a wild Canada succession end goal for Trump, it will come by fuelling division, separation and politics, while choking Canadian businesses, with the possible outcome of Manitoba west saying we want out, and will make our own way, thank you very much, Ottawa, and pieces may fall into USA.
Outside of your lunacy scenario, and this almost as nuts, the probable outcome will be that after swapping bloody noses, Trump will back down when satisfied Trudeau's tasted enough karma.
For the Russia collusion scenario, you don't know what the truth is. No one does. There is "proven" misinformation both ways.
For now, we deserve this, we earned it fair and square, and it's a shame that we needed Trump to make Canadians buy Canadian...I don't know about you folks out there, but here, in the west, we buy local, we buy Canadian, we avoid Walmart and Home Depot, and we understand that these tarriffs are nothing compared to the taxes the Libs have imposed on us over 9 yrs with another 20% tax hike coming in April.
Give me a fucking break. The Russians. It's us. We did this.