I thought for sure the final quote would be a Springsteen lyric.
Oh dear, what is America going to do? No one can believe that Biden is capable, after that display of mental acuity during the debate. Even dumb Canadians can see that's POTUS is no longer all there.
And after all those years, time, money, effort and targeted hate, they still couldn't get Trump in jail. Never seen the likes.
I know you're no longer on Twitter but did you know that there is a strong sentiment that the Dems, at wits end and desperate to stop Trump are suggesting an assassination is coming?
But, you're still ahead of us idiots, our marvelous PM is getting calls to resign from WITHIN his own party and that arrogant, petulant SOB says he will not step down and is committed to leading us all the way to rock bottom. Fun times.
Have a happy 4th nonetheless, you are, after all, in Texas and that's America with a capital A!