I wasn't going to bother with you, but you make it too easy. I didn't call Trudeau "liberal glazed crazy O's", I called him a fuck weasel. The cereal reference was to the chow the author was trying to spoon into our mouths.
But, if you want to say Trudeau is a bowl of fruit loops...you're on target.
What else did I say? Oh yeah, that the likely outcome would be Trump backing down after he'd properly slapped baby T. Which he did. Throwing your great leader into a frenzy, where he squeezed his panties and found a set of balls. However, what did you glorious sock monkey do? He did exactly what Trump wanted. Trudeau caved and put money and manpower to the border issues--as requested.
However, to stop you from bleeding out, I will concede that I don't believe Mr. P is the answer, but he's a better option. You're one hope is Mr. Carney, who unlike Trudeau has a track record of intelligence, experience and understanding economics.
As for "thinking things through," we've left that in Liberal hands and have since seen taxes skyrocket, inflation explode, housing costs out of reach, and locked ourselves to one customer, at drastically reduced pricing for our oil. But I forget myself and understand that Liberals use neither oil, petroleum, or natural gas.
It's a free country, if you want to continue to believe Liberla policy is the way forward and wish to continue to ruining the country, fill your boots.