It’s disgusting. Very few people with any clout will touch the story because it has too many powerful people involved. A list actors, politicians, 1% ers. It’s a huge secret that’s known and it’s part of the Q-anon legend of Trump being supported by a few top generals and agency heads needing Trump, who wasn’t bought by lobbyists to hunt these people down. Aside from Trump being an ass, he was on the job moving to pressure for this list of names to be released for prosecution. MSM won’t touch it and continue to vilify any moral or ethical actions in support of this.
Meanwhile these sick fucks keep selling, trading and buying children for sex. This includes our skeezy woke PM Trudeau. His wife separated from him years ago once she learned he was involved to some degree. Aside from having a date rape of a college girl paid of with a non disclosure when he was a teacher.