It's frustrating, more than that, it's that violation in the basic common trust of humans. Very few companies, organizations, or businesses give a shit. Some people do. Some people still go about behaving decently with the faith that doing will bring some reciprocation.
The problems are massive and profound. People can't manage life on a good day, throw in a couple of curveballs; lost job, divorce, depression etc, couple with the cost of everything and living under a "tax will solve everything" government, people can't cope. Then you have drugs being touted, supported, glorified and revered like no other time. Drugs and alcohol fuck people up regardless of the root cause, but saying that, jailing users isn't a great solution. Jail the traffickers, all of them, but someone poor soul with no other option left but chemical escape isn't all that much their fault.
The only solution I have is to move further and further from large populations.