It's good to stand up for what you believe in. The night he won my brother and I texted--"can you believe it?" and "he effin won?" But, as Canadians with an PM of near incomphrenisble incompetence, our view is different because for the past nine years, there hasn't been a decent oppent to challenge for the big chair. The same could be said for Harris. She had a terrible campaign, was often condescending, entirely vague about policy and blamed everything on Trump and taking no account or responsibility for the Biden admins shortcomings.
Optics-wise, she was ideal; young, attractive, black, and a woman. Harris should charge her campaign staff with some criminal injustice, having her campaign like it was a gag, instead of standing up strong and fierce. She wouldn't have gotten to where she was without some credibility.
It will take some critical thinking in examining why such an overwhelming number of Americans from across such a broad spectrum of race, gender and class voted for Trump.