InThe Writer’s LiftbyArpad NagyA Writer’s Lift That SparklesHighlighting a writer who’s bottled her adolescence, farmed her charm, and channeled her mom voice to share with the rest of us.Apr 3, 202318Apr 3, 202318
InThe Writer’s LiftbyArpad NagyRevealing a Pair of Remarkable RaconteursTwo writers paint the picture with beautiful prose.Feb 9, 20235Feb 9, 20235
InThe Writer’s LiftbyArpad NagyFunny Company: Five Women That Give Us Laughter As A GiftA Writer’s Lift featuring a bundle of women with killer comedyJun 11, 202213Jun 11, 202213
InThe Writer’s LiftbyArpad NagyA Writer’s Lift-Jillian SpiridonA writer whose work I genuinely adore.Feb 20, 202214Feb 20, 202214
InThe Writer’s LiftbyArpad NagyHell Hath No Fury Like A Woman Scorned and PJ Jackelman WILL Scare the Hell Out of You.Behave yourself because she is out there. Delivering vengeance and terror at the stroke of a pen. She’s also funny as hell!Jan 11, 20226Jan 11, 20226
InThe Writer’s LiftbyArpad NagyA Responsibility To Awe-Still waiting for GodotAt 2.6K followers, David Price isn’t a new writer but his words refreshJan 1, 20222Jan 1, 20222
InThe Writer’s LiftbyArpad NagyReturning For A Second Highlight From A Fantastic Writer.This story is a gem, but you’ll yearn for more before and more to continue.Dec 29, 20211Dec 29, 20211
InThe Writer’s LiftbyArpad NagyA New Writer To Medium That You Should ReadFiction and more, this writer knows how to scoreDec 15, 20214Dec 15, 20214