Random Thoughts. Family. Parenting

Mild Epiphanies and Random Revelations #29

I put my heart on an airplane and watched it fly away

Arpad Nagy
3 min readJan 19, 2023


Photo by Author

Revelation: The last hug threatened to collapse my heart.

My daughter stood outside the airport terminal, waiting to give me a final hug before departing for a trip across the country — alone.

Packed, eager, and brave, she was prepared. I was not.

Suddenly, the child is grown. Photo property of the author.

The first five days will be spent with her Grammie. One-on-one, playing cards, catching up on the Heartland series, and recharging her batteries in the quiet, calm, nurturing nest of goodness and love that her Grammie provides in ample amounts.

Other family members will visit during the week, and then my daughter will join cousins and aunties for a girls' trip to Disneyland, Florida.

Epiphany: Even if you’re a rock, when your child leaves your protective care, you turn to sand.



Arpad Nagy

A Proud Hungarian-Canadian, throwback romantic who loves to write. Editor @ Kitchen Tales,The Short Place (Fiction) The Memoirist, Age of Empathy, The Book Cafe