Member-only story
Rate-A-Record for a Day Of Grace
Two tracks to lay back and listen to while looking up above
It’s Sunday morning, and my family is rushing out the door. We’ve met the dress code and respected the schedule, but as we pull into the packed parking lot, we wonder if we haven’t cut it too close and lost out on getting good seating.
Inside, our daughter bolts from our side, meeting her friends with laughs and teasing as my wife and I greet friends and acquaintances. Happy faces are worn above the Sunday best outfits as we march through the doors into the wide-open, bright white space. A few minutes later, the music starts, and the procession begins. Then, from our view on the balcony above, we watch angels enter the stage.
For two-plus hours we will sit transfixed, enraptured, encouraged, hopeful, and, on occasion, awestruck by the majesty on display.
I am, of course, talking about the third and final skate in the local girl’s Elite League Team Hockey Tryouts. The prayers whispered under breath in this coliseum are abundant and steady. Faith is a prerequisite.
Returning home, my daughter is satisfied with her effort and hopeful. During the four-day conditioning skates and the three-day tryouts, I have attempted to be an objective back-bench coach.