Some similar notes. I too, am reading two nonfiction books, alternating during bedtime; The Silk Roads, (superb!) and The Guns of August (rather astonishing with each chapter) Determined to get through them both, I have a small stack of fiction novels waiting impatiently on the bedside dresser.
Fiction writing is not an issue for me. Time remains the problem.
Art wise and reading to family is also relevant. Just before sitting down, I read my Christmas Hare story to my daughter (which she loved and we discussed.) And in regards to art, she is going to do some watercolor illustrations and the cover as I have had multiple readers of my story reach to say they would read that annually to their kids at Christmas and I should pursue publication. I will do just that!
So, reading, pictures, writing, you touched on each with this piece.
One more coincidence, I'm now set to finish a Pierce challenge before the night is out!