That's heavy. And worthwhile.
I think a lifetime of living with you what you've done is fair.
Unless you're broken-unrepairable in soul and mind. Pedophile killers come to mind. Then perhaps civilized society acts as the pack, and the execution is nature, the wolf weeding out the ill. Taxpayer cost goes out the window, we pay for infrastructure, health care and social programs. The % that goes to incarceration is inconsequential and not a consideration. Do we carry and nurse along these truly evil people, or acknowledge that nature produces abnormalities that if contained, are best dealt with by eradication.
We can forgive and still accept the cold finality.
With the advances in DNA applications, the justice system should be able to determine true guilt and avoid wrongly accused from execution.
I suppose, in the end, to me, somethings are forgivable, some are not.