The ignorance of these propaganda-fed idiots is staggering--their "support for Palestine" is nothing--NOTHING- but a mask, and a poor one at that, for the long-standing and currently wildly fashionable sport of Jew-hating. So utterly blinded by hatred and leftist-directed media, without an ounce of historical knowledge, and clamouring on with buzz words like "occupiers" and "colonizers." Their ignorance blooms stupidity on an unmatched level.
Anyone who parades around with the handkerchiefs and flags is doing nothing other than brandishing the swastika. It's beyond sickening.
Cowards. As all haters and bullies are. Faces covered. Cowards.
If I were a Jew, I don't think I could remain civil and law-abiding, and as a Christian, my tolerance wavers over a very thin line for these maggots.
Bless you, Sally. Bless Israel. Bless them all.