There is little doubt that this guy was just another user of women but fame is a weird thing. I can tell you that across the board, women I know who are good, moral, monogamus or unattached, church going or academics, admit that if George Clooney, Brad Pitt, or some rockstar even as hideous to look at as Post Malone (his music is great, I love it, but my god, that face) were to walk up and reach out a hand, they would forget everything and run to that man's bed. Run. That's a stone cold fact across generations, stars, musicians, etc.
Fame is fucked up.
But why isn't this guy charged? Why isn't he in jail. Rape is rape. Abuse is abuse. Good clue is if she's crying, then you're doing something you shouldn't be.
And how does he have a leg to stand on? One, maybe two individual women with some personal attacks might be a case of vindictive or psychotic women, because they do exist, but dozens? Hell, even three is too much to refute as a conspiracy theory.