This good Sally, but, from a realist POV, that peace that needs to come, will most likely only arrive the same way it did in WWII--with a complete wiping out of the Hitler equalled Hamas. If one side or the other, (the leadership not the people) remains even with one head of the snake alive, it will regrow and this will repeat.
You're right about the people being used. The modern smart weapons could be used tactically, with precision, rather than this population genocide.
But the peaceful cohabitation of two groups schooled to despise and exterminate each other isn't going to change as long they share a border.
History began in the Middle East, it hasn't been agreed upon since then, it won't agree upon for the next 1000 years.
The only sides people should take is the one where civilians get safe passage out.
Then the armies can settle it when the field is empty of innocent lives.