This is a very interesting comparison. Being not nearly as big a Boss fan as the rest of you, my exposure has come via released cassettes and CD's so this a unique look.
Atlantic City Kitchen- 95
AC-Band-90 - I thought the pace was too slow, and prefer the Kitchen.
Mansion on the Hill - I had to listen to both a second time before deciding.
Mansion - Kitchen - 98. The echo, the haunting of his voice. Storytelling at it's finest. Crisp, clear, and pulls my heart through my stomach and out my heels.
Mansion Kitchen - 90 - Different but it didn't make it better. Now, if Alison Krauss shared the mic giving that bluegrass that would do it.
Johnny 99 -Kitchen -85
99 - Band - 90. I didn't thing Bruce hit his stride until about the 2 minute mark, until then the band carried the song.
I hope you and Paul still speak to me after this.
Nebraska, as an album. 98.
Thanks for letting me play along.
Kitchen - 98
Mansion- Band -