This RaR brought both the closest rating and the most atrocious cover version. I don't know how you'll feel about me afterward. I also had to go with two devices for the fair comparison as the Bangles cover didn't pass Canadian customs.
Here we go.
Ring of Fire
Hazy Shade of Winter
S&G=60 (It probably deserves better but it can't be played in the same neighbourhood as The Bangles)
Bangles=98 - They KILLED it!
Crimson & Clover-What a duel!!
Tommy James=98
Joan Jett=100
Somebody That I Used to Know
Mayday Parade=35 -Flat start, lazy punk, totally ruined the song.
Jimmy Cliff=90
The Boss=Not even fair to compare. It's his song now.
Great RaR, Paul! I still have a few "American Queen' match ups I need to get back to.