This was a fluff piece of poor speculation and worse facts. But your statements about qualifying intelligence with age and the ability to navigate technology are not only ignorant, but it's lazy and stupid thinking.
One has nothing to do with the other.
While the reverse is a much clearer folly. Do you want some 40 year old with no qualifications, life experience, hardship, or education to run a country because they can work a device? Better leave them to pick out fancy socks and make dance videos go viral. Oh wait, we did in Canada with Trudeau. How's that working for us?
And if you're going to ask a question, "How terrible would it be if Russian gave in to Ukraine?" then try and come back to answer it. It's a good question, but then you ghosted the answer.
And the King. You must have forgotten that it was Great Britain's brash statements to defend Poland, then balk when Hitler moved that helped give a free road of terror to begin WWII. Peacocking, especially against someone like Putin is a sure road to escalation.