We had the owner of a large US based Oil and Gas company, for whom I worked as operations manager have this big, fat, blow smoke up your arse group video conference. His goal, in the end was to get all his employees rallied behind the company and strive for greatness, calling on our loyalty and yada yada. In the open forum question period, I asked him. "Where is our reward? Where do we see our value to you? It's not in compensation, that's for sure. I'm already giving you days and nights away from my family and what do I bring back to them? Pay cuts under the guise of bottom line sacrifice for the company is what we get and tenuous job security. What's our motivation?" and I was one his go getters. Prior to this engagement, I was primed to move to Texas and take over an expanding role there. After this engagement those plans seemed to have changed.
There was also a 1% who dropped a bit on Ilumination calling for people to demonstrate their value and loyalty to a company. I asked him the same thing. Where's the reciprocity? Crickets.
Sadly, the companies that see the value of people and the win-win of remote work is still way below par.
Good article.