Wife and I were talking about the kid's boundaries the other day. For herself, she has tons of patience and a long fuse. But if she sees a bully harassing a kid, or anyone badmouthing or bothering a friend? Forget about it. She's all fire and no fear.
And she listens to me. There's a pretty rough team and those girls play with elbows as much as sticks, I told her you can't let them think they can get away scot free. You need to intimidate them back, harass and even the score on a cheap shot.
Last game her Captain got slough-footed, greasy move and she went down hard. No penalty on the perpetrator, so my girl skates over after the whistle and puts the shoulder into the girl, much bigger than her and plants her in the ice. She got the penalty and I was very proud, her Captain thanked her, the team got pissy and they went out won the game. Love that kid lol. Sorry for the long story.